
Looking to build great projects that people love, with my wife and friends.
Fascinated by the AI revolution and eager to build products using GPT-4, Whisper, and Stable Diffusion, among others
  • TheMultiverseAI

    Create AI-generated avatars from regular pictures of yourself using Stable Diffusion.

    Tech Stack:Next.js, React.js, TailwindCSS, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB
  • Gameaway

    Cloud gaming for AAA games with ultra-low latency.

    Tech Stack:React.js, AWS EC2, Lambda, DynamoDB, Cognito
  • TranslationToFlashcard

    Android and iOS app to automatically create flashcards from words you translate.

    Tech Stack:React-Native, Firebase, Google Cloud Functions

Other things I've done

  • Served as Vice-President of Membership of the Hamburg Power Speakers, a Toastmasters club.
  • Volunteered in Russia for 2 months on an AIESEC internship, organising events to help locals learn English, where I met my wife
  • Volunteered at the Toronto International Film Festival 2016, as a coordinator and an usher
  • Founded a company selling slim wallets with the brand "Thinmann" on Had them manufactured in China, shipped to Europe and fulfilled by Amazon
  • Created an e-commerce store, "The Laptop Bags", curating a collection of laptop bags and drop-shipped to customers.